Wednesday 15 June 2016


It was raining when we left Colmar, & it continued to rain all the way to our mid way stop, Besancon. We saw hay bales floating, animals huddled together on little islands of paddock, with a moat of rainwater around them & lots of flooded land.

Both the canals & rivers were high & we felt sorry for the many homes we saw that seemed to be rather close to the lapping water.

I had had such plans for our stop in Besancon.

We were going to go to the covered market to get picnic supplies to take down to the river edge & eat for lunch.
It was way too wet for that.

We were here to see the Musee de Beaux Arts de Archeologie, which is the oldest public museum in France.
It was closed.

We were therefore going to see the Astronomical Clock & walked to the site ready for the 'hour' when the automatons would appear.
It was also closed.

We were going to go to the Military Citadel for the amazing views.
We didn't need to see anymore rain & cloud!!!!

It was wet & miserable & the wind kept trying to steal our umbrellas.

However, we did find a Brasserie that was recommended on Trip advisor & the food was delicious (& indoors!).

And we did find this Roman triumphal arch, built in 175AD & dedicated to Marcus Aurelias, so the day wasn't a complete disaster.

I was so impressed with Jeff driving an unfamiliar car, on the opposite side of the car (& road) as he is used to, using a stick shift & coping with the vagaries of the French road network and a GPS whose French pronunciation of place names is even worse than mine!!!!!

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