Saturday 25 June 2016


We are about to finish our time in Serrigny & have a change of pattern in our accommodation next week, as we will be on a boat cruising one of the Bourgogne canals.
 We really enjoy self catering accommodation, as it means we can be more relaxed & flexible with our time & cost wise....a little more thrifty.  It also means that we get to experience 'homes' that are quite different to our own.
Each p[lace we have stayed in thus far has been REALLY old!
The apartment block above was our home for most of our time in Strasbourg & it was over 500 years old.

The next place in Strasbourg was even older!  Although medieval, the inside had been completely modernised courtesy of Ikea, but all the flat packs couldn't hide the sloping floors...definitely an original feature!!

In Beaune our accommodation was  from the 1700's (I think).  We had the attic apartment at the top, which meant a LOT of stairs to climb!!

Right now we are in a gatehouse on the site of the Chateau of Serrigny.  The gatehouse is the little stone place on the right of the photo above. We wake up to the sound of birds each morning & look out on this...

The chateau was built in 1148 & has had quite a history.  It is in a bad state after being abandoned for several years.  The current owners are English & have taken on the mammoth task of restoring all the out buildings (like ours) & aim to restore the chateau.  I am in awe of their dedication.

We feel so privileged to have been able to stay where we have so far & now we are looking forward to a week on the boat!  There may not be very good wifi on board, so my blog posts may be a little infrequent.

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