Friday 3 June 2016


From wherever you are in Strasbourg, you can catch a glimpse of Notre-Dame Cathedral.  This city is perfect for people who like to walk, it's flat & on the odd occasion when one's bearings are afloat....the Cathedral is a directional beacon!

To catch sight of it whilst passing one of the many narrow streets, is pure magic.

I have taken well over a hundred photos of parts of this Cathedral in the 4 visits I have made to it in the few days I have been in Strasbourg. NONE of my photos do justice to the pinky red colour of the sandstone it was built from.  It is truly beautiful.  Each time I visit, I see something I hadn't noticed before, and as an artist, I am in awe of the stonemason's skills used so well in this incredible building.

This Gothic masterpiece was started in 1015 & took 4 centuries to build.

Just take a moment to think about that quantity of time.... 4 centuries...400years.

At 142 metres high (yes, I am getting this from a guide book!!) it was the tallest building in Christendom until the end of the 19th century. That deserves a serious"WOW"!

In the following selection of photos, you will see some of my favourite sculptured characters & also some fabulous views from Jeff's climb up the tower.  I hope you enjoy viewing them as much as we enjoyed taking them.

I feel incredibly privileged to be staying here for long enough to really appreciate & marvel at the artisans who contributed to making this Cathedral so special.

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