Monday 13 June 2016


Our last afternoon in Strasbourg involved tightly clasping our tickets to see the Musical; The Legend Of King Arthur.  It was in French, but we were still keen....even Jeff who hasn't a strong tolerance  for Musicals!

I am used to seeing musical theatre performed in an actual Theatre, with comfy seats, carpeted floors & a magical atmosphere.  In Strasbourg musical theatre is performed in the Zenith, an indoor entertainment centre, much like the Entertainment Centre in Adelaide. 

We had quite strict security checks before going in, including having water bottle  lids removed!

Inside it was bare, cold concrete floors & hard plastic moulded chairs.  But that was completely irrelevant when the show started.  It was spectacular.  Aside from having voices to rival any current chart toppers, the stage was one burst of energy after another.  I have never seen film & animation used to such a good effect in the back drop & front sliding curtains.  There were acrobats, aerial ballet, a clown, dancers, singers & pure magic. We were totally mesmerised!

The cast were outstanding, & it really didn't matter that I hadn't understood a word!!  In fact it was a bonus...I was able to sleep that night without singing choruses over & over & over in my head!

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