Tuesday 14 June 2016


We stopped in the pretty village of Kayserbourg for our last change to indulge in tarte flambee, before heading into Colmar, where we were to spend the night.  The tourist information office gave us a walk we could follow...& we did...for a while before deviating up an "ooooh  this looks interesting" street!  One of the treasures we enjoyed was The House of Heads.

Placed in a narrow street, it was not easy to photograph, especially when there was a huge tour party also wanting to shoot their cameras from the best spot.

 It was built in 1609 & designed by the architect Albert Schmidt, in what is recognised as the German Renaissance period.

There are allegedly 106 heads.  I didn't count them all, so am not sure how accurate that figure is, but there were certainly a lot & some quirky ones amidst them.  We were so glad to have found such an intriguing building on our walk.

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