Wednesday 22 June 2016


Well we had a major shock today.  The sun came out, the sky was predominantly blue & we had a taste of SUMMER!!!! 
Our destination was another of France's beautiful villages; Noyers-sur-surein, with housing from the middle ages until the 18th century.

On arrival we discovered that our timing was perfect for their market day (well....morning!!).  Instead of going to the tourist office first we checked out all the stalls & selected some beautiful fruit & vege to take back to our accommodation.  Amidst our purchases was a melange of 5 varieties of tomato.

Slowly wandering this small village we enjoyed the things that weren't on the tourist trail, like this very old, but still functioning water pump!

Some of the buildings had carved figures on their wooden beams, which were generally  in pretty poor shape.  These guys were so dramaticly different that I wonder just how old they are!!

A number of the medieval buildings had beams where swallows were nesting.  This photo is from an arcaded house.  We soon learned two things...the first was to watch where we stepped, because there was inevitably a large pile of bird poop on the ground where the swallows were nesting.  The second thing we learned was....

...there were babies!

Such a glorious day made us long for water, so we followed the river around the outer ramparts of the village.  It had a huge number of turrets, some of which have been turned into housing & some which look as if they are inhabited by pigeons!

We were very excited to find this cupboard on the side of a building.  In it are two very old wooden balls, which are not round but more ovoid in shape.  The story goes that in 1231 a section of the village was exempted from taxes.  To determine the border for the tax exempt villagers, the lady of the castle threw a ball from the nearby Parade Ground & THIS is where it landed! 

The last place we visited was the church.  It has definitely seen some wear & tear. Interest can be found, however, in the carved misericords.  These are carved figures that are UNDER the choir seats.  You only see them when the choir are not sitting!  Their function was to give the chorister something to help prop them up when they had to stand for long periods. This one intrigued me.  I really cant say what it is supposed to mean!

When we entered the church, we each noticed a dramatic drop in temperature, but I have to say that this is the first cold & damp church I've ever been in where there was actually moss growing on the inside pillars!!!!

It was another fabulous day & we did value the bliss of rolling the windows down & letting that warm country air into our lungs.  It is BEAUTIFUL countryside around here.

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