Saturday 11 June 2016


 With our time in Strasbourg coming to an end (boo hoo) & the weather predicted to turn from sunny & dry to wet & stormy within the next 12 hours, our daughter decided to take us for a walk across the Rhine to Germany.

 After both a tram & bus trip, we arrived on the French side of the Rhine, & walked along a path lined with wildflowers.  The foot bridge we were destined to cross, rose up ahead of us as a huge & impressive structure.

 Our walk across was accompanied by the unexpected sound of ...of all things...bagpipes.  Someone was obviously confused!  Even so, the sound added to the experience of being in the middle of the Rhine, first looking downstream....

....and then looking upstream.  In both directions large cruise boats were moored.  Clearly we weren't the only ones visiting Kehl this afternoon!

Instead of going directly into the town, we turned right & followed the riverside walk.  What an exquisite area.  It was perfect for picnics & romantic rendezvous.  At intervals along the walk were sculptures representing some form of memorial.  This was in honour of 9 French Resistance fighters in WW2, who were taken to the edge of the Rhine & assassinated AFTER the Allies had freed Strasbourg.

This sculpture was particularly relevant to us, as it represents a pilgrim. In particular, a pilgrim on his way to Spain to complete the El Camino.  As we had walked some of that route a couple of years ago, we were delighted to learn that we were in fact on part of the route from Germany.

We had the most enjoyable walk alongside the river Rhine, and then through the most FANTASTIC children's water play area, & up through the suburban streets of Kehl.  We were enamoured with the gardens, abundant in flowers & trees.  It was truly a delight.  the town centre itself could have been one of any anywhere else in the world, but the walk to get there had been spectacular.  What a treat.

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