Monday 20 June 2016


Our last day in Beaune was also French Father's day, so Jeff started his day with gifts of local wine & mustard!  For breakfast we had a go at cooking up the white asparagus we'd bought at the market the day before.  Served with foie gras on toasted baguette with poached eggs it was heavenly.

 My initial plan had been to have a day cycling amidst the vines of the Cote d'Or.  However, with the weather persisting in being unpredictable, we opted to book a tour & be driven around by someone who knew where they were going!  This proved to be a very enjoyable sunday afternoon drive.  The vineyards are so picturesque & we learnt a lot about the way the land has been shaped by geology.  Fault lines separate one field of vines from another in a huge patchwork of wine producing countryside.

 We were shown the vines where the most expensive wine in the world comes from! They work their vines by hand around here & there are no chemicals/pesticides used.  It was interesting to see the differences in ground colour & texture within metres of each other.  It was blissfully quiet, with just the sound of birds to break the silence.

 They even use horses to plough the land here so that it doesn't become too packed down.  Later we tried some Pinot Noirs from one of the areas renowned vigniers.  It was a really enjoyable afternoon.

Our last evening in Beaune, we had an exceptional meal at a local restaurant, starting with Kir Royals, as Cassis is grown we HAD to try them.  The rest of the meal included duck, blackcurrant sauce, escargot, cheese & even yummy deserts!!  It was great way to finish our stay in this beautiful region.

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