Sunday 29 May 2016


After more than 24 hours of travel time, the first thing we needed to do once settled in our hotel, was to stretch our long legs!

We soon discovered the village of  Roissey, & the effort they have made to ensure that they remains Roissey-en-france & not just an extension of Charles de Gaulle Airport!!

We first met the remains of a former horse stable!  They must have been very valuable horses to have earned such a grand stable!

especially when you see a close up of the carvings at the top!

There were stunning gardens & beautiful buildings.

Then our wandering brought us to the 15th century Church of St Elliot ( St Eligious) Patron saint of black smiths & gold smiths. It was also... back in the Middle Ages... associated with the Abbey of St Genevieve in Paris.

We were enamoured with the tiles on the roof....& intrigued by the long uncut grass speckled with daisies & wild flowers.  Then we discovered this sign...

This indicates that this village is bee friendly!  They are making a concerted effort to help bees survive, by allowing grassy areas to not become lawn, and planting LOTS of bee-friendly flowers.  We were very impressed.

Our last stop was the cemetery, where old graves are surrounded by newer ones.  The old crosses marking gravesite were beautifully made of wrought iron & were like lace.  The imagery woven into them was, of course, rich in symbolism.  It was interesting to see them alongside the more boring newer ones.


As you can imagine, we were delighted to have discovered this special little place on our 'stopover'  before heading on to Strasbourg!

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