Sunday 29 May 2016


After a pleasant train journey through lush green countryside, we finally arrived in the city we had heard so much about.  Our daughter has been studying here for the past 5 months, which is why it was our first real stop on this trip.

We disembarked into a beautiful train station...all the more beautiful because our daughter was there to meet us!


Once luggage was deposited in our hotel, it was time for lunch.  A quick walk to a bakery for supplies & then a further walk down to the canal to enjoy our first picnic together in a while.

We quickly became enamoured with the decorative buildings & their features.

It was great to be out in the fresh air, & we happily wandered, taking it all in.   I'm so relieved that we will be here for 2 weeks, as there is so much to see, & this day's taster only made me greedy for more.  Here's a mere glimpse at some of the wonders this city has to offer...

But the day was not yet done!  Our first evening meal was celebrated with a local delicacy...tarte flambe! 

Whilst the tarte flambee looks a little like a really isn't!  Super thin crust with just a light layer of crème fraiche, and a combination of any of either ham, cheese, peppers, mushrooms, potatoe, courgette, onion & tomatoe.  This is cooked in a wood fire oven & eaten in thin slices that are then rolled up into a cylinder before pigging out on.  All I can say is..... SUPER YUM!!!!! We definitely think there's a gap in the food eating market for these back in Adelaide!!

It was an outstanding start to our time in Strasbourg & after walking for more than 10km in our first afternoon, we were ready to crash at the end of the day.

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