Monday 30 May 2016


It was an early start for us this morning.  Jeff was to start a 2 week intensive French language course, which required tram travel & a walk, so we thought it only right that we accompany him...being his first day!  We hadn't expected to pull back the curtains on a city drenched in rain & a population of commuters scurrying off under umbrellas & rain hoods! Donning our own we bravely faced both the weather & the day.

In spite of the grey, the wind, the puddles & splashes, it was soon obvious that there was beauty to be found.  Imagine my absolute delight to be able to get this shot...

This is one of the Cathedral's many gargoyle water spouts, only showing their true purpose when it rains. A couple of nights ago the rain was torrential & the water was literally gushing out of these spouts with incredible force.  It sounded like a waterfall.  My beloveds were not very impressed when I stopped in the middle of the cobble stone path, getting absolutely drenched, to shout LOOK!!! I was so grateful to have rain today (in spite of the cold miserableness of it) so that I could get this shot!!

The rain also transformed the tree trunks.  My artistic self was loving the lines & patterns & the colour intensity...even if my daughter was a little embarrassed by having to hold the umbrella over me as I got the camera out!  I'm sure you'll agree it was worth it...

There were some pretty impressive examples of the sculpting arts throughout the day too...

And the poppies seemed even brighter against the dull.

When Jeff's course was over for the day, we met up & Rose took us to her favourite eatery, a Syrian restaurant called Habibe.  The food was soooooooo good!

We did a stellar job of finishing it all too!

After a movie in a very modern cinema complex, & grocery shopping in a very large supermarche, we made our way 'home'.  Whilst waiting for our tram, I saw this wonderful angel, who  I have named Guardian of the Building Sites.

We were so relieved to get back to our dry apartment, which is part of a 500 year old building. Looking out the front window, I noticed that it is brilliantly reflected on the modern building across the street.

For such a bleak day, we have experienced a big dose of beauty!

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