Tuesday 31 May 2016


This morning Rose took me meandering through the streets to the Museum Of Modern & Contemporary Art. 

The building itself made a modern statement, as did working out how to get into it!

The first art works we were greeted by, were by Rodin & Picasso...

We then walked through a lovely selection of Impressionist works, by artists whom I have never heard of before, like this beautiful piece...(sorry, cant remember artist's name & alas the postcard shop was closed, so I wasn't able to get a reminder!!)

There was a small selection of decorative arts, including leadlight windows & furniture.  Being part of a cat owned family, this particular chair amused me...

A small gallery space was dedicated to Kadinsky, who also designed this music room...

Now, I have to confess, that I am a little irreverent when it comes to some contemporary art.  There is a HUGE amount I simply don't like, & a lot I just don't 'get'.  However, I have fun thinking of possible options as to what it all might mean.  Rose is likewise inclined & as a result we were giggling when perhaps we shouldn't have been throughout this excursion.  This next piece had me in stitches.  It was in the exhibition entitled 'Rituals', it took up a whole wall, & was entitled 'Untitled'.  Such a shame the artist didn't know me, as I would have been happy to have given a title suggestion.

I would have called it 'Playing With Food'!  These giant pieces of bread have marks carved into them.  It is actually a very impressive piece that would be GREAT to get people discussing it's deeper meaning.  I just enjoyed the novelty of it!

This is one of the Museum's treasures.  It is by local artist Gustave Dore & is clearly of a Christian theme.  What you don't get from this image is just how big it is! So, here's a photo of me striding out the metres in front of it...

I counted 9 metres wide.

We both enjoyed an exhibition on the female form, & surprisingly, with a title like that, there wasn't one nude. There was a huge variety & it really was interesting & impressive.  This was my favourite...

We were in the midst of a girlie conversation about waxing strips & how the German brands compared to those back home, when, wouldn't you know it, the next room revealed about 8 variations of this...

Needless to say there was merriment in the museum!

Before descending to the exit, I glanced through the windows & saw the Cathedral in the distance.  Special sight.

The next stop was food & feeling cultural, I went for a classic; quiche & salad.  Bon apetit!


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