Sunday 29 May 2016


Today is Mother's Day in France. We noticed a lot of people walking, or cycling past us yesterday, with bunches of flowers clearly meant for the mothers in their lives. I may not have received flowers, but I did get to spend the day with my daughter!

We started with a late breakfast at an outdoor sun drenched table  in a quiet side street.

Last night there had been a violent thunder storm & lashing rain, so the air had that cleansed feel to it & the sun was welcome.  We were surrounded by beautiful old buildings and the perfect street lamps for fans of Narnia.

Once satisfied, we set out for the Botanic gardens.  The centre of Strasbourg is an island, so there are a number of bridges one can have the pleasure of crossing when venturing further out from within. The one we crossed had lions guarding each side, & this one was very patiently allowing a pigeon to rest on it's head for a while!

Whilst waiting for our tram, we were able to quietly observe the commemoration of the century since the end of the Battle Of Verdun, when over 300,000 soldiers were killed there.

Soon after arriving in the massive Botanic Gardens, we spied through the trees, a group of re-enactors practising their battle cries.  Rather poignant after thinking of Verdun!

The gardens were formal & full of various trees.  Everything was so green & fresh (&somewhat muddy) after the night's rainfall.

After spending some time looking at the small zoo, & struggling with the fighting feelings of awe at seeing 'wild' animals & rare birds, but grieving at the small concrete lined cages they were trapped in, we felt it was time for lunch! Another picnic was consumed gazing out over water.  This time a small man made lake where couples were rowing boats & swans were guiding their young away from the crazy motion of the oars!!  It was so idyllic & we enjoyed the fact that we were there, sharing it together.


One of the delights for me, was seeing the resident storks!  Anyone who has followed my blog posts from Morocco & Spain a few years ago, will know that these birds amuse me, with their wide nests & the locations they choose to put them.  In the photo above, check out the you see 2 nests on the chimneys?

There were a LOT of storks in these gardens, which made me VERY excited & I just had to photograph them all...much to the frustration of my beloveds!  Here's one for now...I'll share more in another post.  You may observe, that the storks are currently sharing their nests with chicks.

On the way back we enjoyed seeing the exterior of the European parliament building.  All those windows mean there are fabulous reflections in them of the surrounding vegetation & buildings.

It was also interesting to see evidence of protesters.

It was a fabulous day & during it we have walked 12 kilometres, which is just as well, because it has been a LONG time since I have consumed so much bread & pastry in such a short space of time!!

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