Tuesday 31 May 2016


This morning Rose took me meandering through the streets to the Museum Of Modern & Contemporary Art. 

The building itself made a modern statement, as did working out how to get into it!

The first art works we were greeted by, were by Rodin & Picasso...

We then walked through a lovely selection of Impressionist works, by artists whom I have never heard of before, like this beautiful piece...(sorry, cant remember artist's name & alas the postcard shop was closed, so I wasn't able to get a reminder!!)

There was a small selection of decorative arts, including leadlight windows & furniture.  Being part of a cat owned family, this particular chair amused me...

A small gallery space was dedicated to Kadinsky, who also designed this music room...

Now, I have to confess, that I am a little irreverent when it comes to some contemporary art.  There is a HUGE amount I simply don't like, & a lot I just don't 'get'.  However, I have fun thinking of possible options as to what it all might mean.  Rose is likewise inclined & as a result we were giggling when perhaps we shouldn't have been throughout this excursion.  This next piece had me in stitches.  It was in the exhibition entitled 'Rituals', it took up a whole wall, & was entitled 'Untitled'.  Such a shame the artist didn't know me, as I would have been happy to have given a title suggestion.

I would have called it 'Playing With Food'!  These giant pieces of bread have marks carved into them.  It is actually a very impressive piece that would be GREAT to get people discussing it's deeper meaning.  I just enjoyed the novelty of it!

This is one of the Museum's treasures.  It is by local artist Gustave Dore & is clearly of a Christian theme.  What you don't get from this image is just how big it is! So, here's a photo of me striding out the metres in front of it...

I counted 9 metres wide.

We both enjoyed an exhibition on the female form, & surprisingly, with a title like that, there wasn't one nude. There was a huge variety & it really was interesting & impressive.  This was my favourite...

We were in the midst of a girlie conversation about waxing strips & how the German brands compared to those back home, when, wouldn't you know it, the next room revealed about 8 variations of this...

Needless to say there was merriment in the museum!

Before descending to the exit, I glanced through the windows & saw the Cathedral in the distance.  Special sight.

The next stop was food & feeling cultural, I went for a classic; quiche & salad.  Bon apetit!


Monday 30 May 2016


It was an early start for us this morning.  Jeff was to start a 2 week intensive French language course, which required tram travel & a walk, so we thought it only right that we accompany him...being his first day!  We hadn't expected to pull back the curtains on a city drenched in rain & a population of commuters scurrying off under umbrellas & rain hoods! Donning our own we bravely faced both the weather & the day.

In spite of the grey, the wind, the puddles & splashes, it was soon obvious that there was beauty to be found.  Imagine my absolute delight to be able to get this shot...

This is one of the Cathedral's many gargoyle water spouts, only showing their true purpose when it rains. A couple of nights ago the rain was torrential & the water was literally gushing out of these spouts with incredible force.  It sounded like a waterfall.  My beloveds were not very impressed when I stopped in the middle of the cobble stone path, getting absolutely drenched, to shout LOOK!!! I was so grateful to have rain today (in spite of the cold miserableness of it) so that I could get this shot!!

The rain also transformed the tree trunks.  My artistic self was loving the lines & patterns & the colour intensity...even if my daughter was a little embarrassed by having to hold the umbrella over me as I got the camera out!  I'm sure you'll agree it was worth it...

There were some pretty impressive examples of the sculpting arts throughout the day too...

And the poppies seemed even brighter against the dull.

When Jeff's course was over for the day, we met up & Rose took us to her favourite eatery, a Syrian restaurant called Habibe.  The food was soooooooo good!

We did a stellar job of finishing it all too!

After a movie in a very modern cinema complex, & grocery shopping in a very large supermarche, we made our way 'home'.  Whilst waiting for our tram, I saw this wonderful angel, who  I have named Guardian of the Building Sites.

We were so relieved to get back to our dry apartment, which is part of a 500 year old building. Looking out the front window, I noticed that it is brilliantly reflected on the modern building across the street.

For such a bleak day, we have experienced a big dose of beauty!

Sunday 29 May 2016


Today is Mother's Day in France. We noticed a lot of people walking, or cycling past us yesterday, with bunches of flowers clearly meant for the mothers in their lives. I may not have received flowers, but I did get to spend the day with my daughter!

We started with a late breakfast at an outdoor sun drenched table  in a quiet side street.

Last night there had been a violent thunder storm & lashing rain, so the air had that cleansed feel to it & the sun was welcome.  We were surrounded by beautiful old buildings and the perfect street lamps for fans of Narnia.

Once satisfied, we set out for the Botanic gardens.  The centre of Strasbourg is an island, so there are a number of bridges one can have the pleasure of crossing when venturing further out from within. The one we crossed had lions guarding each side, & this one was very patiently allowing a pigeon to rest on it's head for a while!

Whilst waiting for our tram, we were able to quietly observe the commemoration of the century since the end of the Battle Of Verdun, when over 300,000 soldiers were killed there.

Soon after arriving in the massive Botanic Gardens, we spied through the trees, a group of re-enactors practising their battle cries.  Rather poignant after thinking of Verdun!

The gardens were formal & full of various trees.  Everything was so green & fresh (&somewhat muddy) after the night's rainfall.

After spending some time looking at the small zoo, & struggling with the fighting feelings of awe at seeing 'wild' animals & rare birds, but grieving at the small concrete lined cages they were trapped in, we felt it was time for lunch! Another picnic was consumed gazing out over water.  This time a small man made lake where couples were rowing boats & swans were guiding their young away from the crazy motion of the oars!!  It was so idyllic & we enjoyed the fact that we were there, sharing it together.


One of the delights for me, was seeing the resident storks!  Anyone who has followed my blog posts from Morocco & Spain a few years ago, will know that these birds amuse me, with their wide nests & the locations they choose to put them.  In the photo above, check out the background...do you see 2 nests on the chimneys?

There were a LOT of storks in these gardens, which made me VERY excited & I just had to photograph them all...much to the frustration of my beloveds!  Here's one for now...I'll share more in another post.  You may observe, that the storks are currently sharing their nests with chicks.

On the way back we enjoyed seeing the exterior of the European parliament building.  All those windows mean there are fabulous reflections in them of the surrounding vegetation & buildings.

It was also interesting to see evidence of protesters.

It was a fabulous day & during it we have walked 12 kilometres, which is just as well, because it has been a LONG time since I have consumed so much bread & pastry in such a short space of time!!


After a pleasant train journey through lush green countryside, we finally arrived in the city we had heard so much about.  Our daughter has been studying here for the past 5 months, which is why it was our first real stop on this trip.

We disembarked into a beautiful train station...all the more beautiful because our daughter was there to meet us!


Once luggage was deposited in our hotel, it was time for lunch.  A quick walk to a bakery for supplies & then a further walk down to the canal to enjoy our first picnic together in a while.

We quickly became enamoured with the decorative buildings & their features.

It was great to be out in the fresh air, & we happily wandered, taking it all in.   I'm so relieved that we will be here for 2 weeks, as there is so much to see, & this day's taster only made me greedy for more.  Here's a mere glimpse at some of the wonders this city has to offer...

But the day was not yet done!  Our first evening meal was celebrated with a local delicacy...tarte flambe! 

Whilst the tarte flambee looks a little like a pizza...it really isn't!  Super thin crust with just a light layer of crème fraiche, and a combination of any of either ham, cheese, peppers, mushrooms, potatoe, courgette, onion & tomatoe.  This is cooked in a wood fire oven & eaten in thin slices that are then rolled up into a cylinder before pigging out on.  All I can say is..... SUPER YUM!!!!! We definitely think there's a gap in the food eating market for these back in Adelaide!!

It was an outstanding start to our time in Strasbourg & after walking for more than 10km in our first afternoon, we were ready to crash at the end of the day.