Sunday 10 July 2016


When we discovered that there was an Alsatian Restaurant just around the corner, specializing in Tarte Flambee, how could we possibly resist! Oh what heaven. Yum, yum, yum, super-yum.  No further words necessary. Pizza is a thing of the past!

It was an easy evening stroll across the bridge to see Notre Dame in the golden light of evening.

I absolutely LOVE zoom lenses!  How did we ever live without them!  It is magic to finally be able to see what is just beyond the eye's reach.

The perfect blue sky provided the best of backdrops.

There was no queue, security check was over in a jiffy, & then we discovered that Notre Dame has been Disney-fied. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  A screen was up & a film about it's history was about to be shown, if we'd just like to make a donation we were welcome to sit down in the pews & watch.
What happened to the quiet of contemplation, the quiet of awe, the quiet of something so much bigger & more powerful than one mere mortal. To make matters worse we had limited access, which meant this (above) was all I got to see of the famous Rose window.  I saw this much because I'm tall & can peer over things average people cant & I have a good zoom on my little camera!
Disappointment BIG TIME.

We went back out to enjoy all the characters of the building's exterior.

We met a mermaid...

...& we said "Good Night" to Quasimodo, who had just peeked out to see whether Esmeralda was wandering around below.

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